I receive a call from the distillery manager, whom I have been seconded under over the past week (for the amount of time i was in) advising that management have agreed to close the site for safety reasons.
this is a bit of bittersweet news - had I been 18 years old, this would have been great, “don’t come into work” who wouldn’t want to hear that when you have zero responsibilities. However, I do, and I also like working. I like having things to do. I also have an older sister who works for the National Health Service on the front line. This cannot be easy time’s and I keep thinking about this…
so, Kirsty, myself and ruby are now a team. As one. Taking on this pandemic from the solitude of our home, minus a planned escape once a day to let ruby burn off some steam.
#stayhome and #staysafe will probably be the most trending hashtags shortly, and “just one more episode” will probably be the most overused comment in thouse for a few evenings to come.