After some jiggery pokery with the shifts at the day-job, I managed to get at paddy’s day off, shot a wedding (update on this coming) and then on the Saturday morning bolted to Dunblane to get the eeeearly morning train to connect to Manchester for a friends stag do. As I had missed the Friday night, a) I was on catch up duties and b) everyone was knackered so this wasn’t too difficult.
Returning on Sunday with the guys was a quiet journey but a great chat with some old friends (the ones who weren’t asleep anyway). Getting home, I received an email advising that I had been moved to the production side of the distillery, which was great - hard work, but a great environment to learn (mainly from some mistakes). However, I had managed to arrange a swap with a colleague, so wasn’t due back to work until the Thursday, allowing me to travel to another shoot for a new project - not to use the weather as an excuse, but it was a testing environment. Client seemed pretty happy with the results and, although there was a lot, and I mean ALOT of procrastinating (not on my behalf may I add) I managed to squeeze in some additional footage which would later prove useful for further edits.
coming back a few days later, I arrive at work and being told that I’ve got the upcoming weekend off - two day week; unintentional belter.
extra lucky as this was the significant other’s birthday weekend.
so Kirsty myself and ruby bolted to St. Andrews for a drive with the intentions of staying in the car and, although being one of Scotland’s most popular beaches, it was dead. Good excuse to get the dog out for a run around, keeping to a safe distance from everyone of course.
what a great day - good chat, fun times with the dog and a chippy to finish things off - again keeping a safe distance from everyone (mandatory as they had allocated standing spaces for everyone to stay within) - simple but effective.
Then, off to work on Monday for another week ahead in with the production boys, moving casks, sampling whisky, stacking and stowing - heavy stuff, but you go home with a tired energy if that makes sense. picked up some flowers and card for Kirsty, after helping her pick out her new trainers and that was a different, but happy birthday, popping my clothes in for a quick wash, in prep for the rest of the week ahead at work, or so I thought…