#11 Lockdown Day 1 / by John-James Greig

Deep clean begins.

but first, coffee. As much as I love my nespresso machine, we now have a slight time luxury, so I’m gonna use it. Pour over coffee promotes a certain peace and calm. It’s more about the process than the product for me. So this, this is 5 minutes of JJ time.

Now onto business: Clean every surface. Our journey here will begin in the kitchen, where we will then meander our way through the living room initially to cover the dining room and once done in here we can give the living room some proper attention. Up the stairs from here to the bathroom, then the main bedroom before finally arriving at our final cleansing destination, the spare room. And why do we finish here, you’ll find out shortly.

Next up;

Sweep every floor that’s not a carpet (when you have laminate and a dog, this is a daily recurrence anyway).

Mop every floor. New mop head, not gonna lie, she’s a thing of beauty.

Hoover, Or should I say dyson, every carpet again, finishing in the spare room, why finish here again I hear you ask?

this is it, the spare room is going to become my new workspace for photography and videography.

which takes us onto the next task, sort out the space so it’s a relative working environment before making a final trip to the office to grab all the kit and set up shop.


time to relax, chill and spend time with Kirsty and the pup for the evening.

*edit I have since discovered I have lost the card reader that takes a micro SD card (drone) and the micro-normal SD card adaptor has also gone walkies. Hmmm, getting footage from the DJI is now going to be a challenge.