#12 Lockdown Day 2 / by John-James Greig

Wednesday 25th March

finally getting round to editing the wedding photos from a week and a bit ago - an expectation that I had already set with them. The guys were great, very relaxed, their kids were excellent and the weather was the only dry day in Crieff for about 6 weeks: nailed it.

although it was cold, so unfortunately, we missed the shots with the bride and groom with the grandparents, as they had to retire from the cold outside - learning point there.

After a few hours editing the whole lot, I have managed to produce 317 keepers and with a couple of secondary style edits (I like duplicating photos and editing slightly differently) the couple have about 340 images from the day. Looking good to me, just waiting to hear back if they want any further changes before sending full res catalogue for them.

Not a badday spent and also, through tutorials, learned a few things along the way.

not helping, is the missus, who doesn’t want to let me work, so there are included in the couple of hours editing time a few ten minute long distractions. Utterly pointless.

Following this was the mandatory dog walk where we discovered a new path that we discussed with another dog walker a couple of days prior (from across the path).

today will also set a couple of trends for the foreseeable:

  • if Kirsty says she will make a brew (or do anything in fact) don’t expect it within the hour but do expect 13 other meaningless things to get done in the meantime

  • Don’t walk the dog on the same route you did the day before