Monday 27th April
SUNK MY BATTLESHIP. Had a nice cup of coffee all lined up, with a caramel wafer thing just sitting on top, warming up nicely.
forgot about it didn’t I…rage. Todays social media challenge was a thank you to all the customer from around the world - this was good fun and pushed the laptop a little in terms of rendering. I have noticed it is getting a bit sluggish - thanks to apple, I can’t really upgrade it either. This could cost a few pennies sometime soon.
Walked ruby up the knock which is always good, and also a nice wee change from the usual at lady Marys - its good to mix it up some times.
For lunch, decided to whip out the toastier machine - haven’t had toasties in a while!
Continued on with the home made coffee attempts, someone cracked out a Cappupeno joke regarding the shape of the froth that I had left on top - fair play.
First yoghurt mod - decided that as much as I like a muller corner - it just needs that bit more - so, some thick grated dark chocolate seemed appropriate.
Headache getting sorer took anadin for first time - this has been a few days now, bit weird. No other CWord symptoms though - but not ignoring it now - I never take any drugs other than hayfever measures, so this is a pretty big deal for it to be this bad.
Ruby is still a concern (mainly with Kirsty) and after going to the vets, we. were given some pain relief - which totally ko’d the girl - she actually seemed stoned…