#43 Lockdown Day 33 / by John-James Greig

Saturday 25th April

So the shot list for today;

Cottages (contractors staying so didn’t spend too much time here, not nice to be whizzing a drone around people at 0800 in the morning, and the Campsite (bloody tractor and lumps of construction material lying around - hard to avoid!)

Up the hill and into the glen to get shots of the Hydro (Scary one as I just decided to go rogue and see how far the drone would go - its pretty terrible at long range signal).

Back down the hill to shoot the Holiday park - static caravans with jet skis and motor cruisers in the driveways, Office (saw Buzzards from the drone but they were gone by the time I managed to get my 70-200 out!),

Over to a private let property - absolutely stunning - (Getting one shot of the gate opening drove me crazy - it takes about 4 minutes for he gate to close, and the drone decided to just go off in its own direction, then the batteries started getting thin, then something else and then something else)

then out to the clan house to get footage as a personal favour but because of the previous shot, I was running short on batteries, so had to approach the estates owner and clan chief (which is a big deal) for a plug socket - not particularly professional!)

Headed home which turned into a trip to out of hours for Kirsty ankle as she seems to have been bitten by something. During the drive home I started to get this immense headache - oooft.