Monday 20th April
Today I am out at Loch Lomond for a shoot. Fortunately the client has asked for architectural and landscape content for their website, whilst the place is quiet and it can be done safely. How good is that, a job coming in where absolutely no interaction with anyone is required.
Drive out is excellent, roads totally clear. We have a little vauxhall corse, and I love it. Its no Ferrari, but it handles 10 times better than the Van, which may be quicker in a straight line, but that’s not where the fun is.
The main focus for the content is footage with the drone - as this will be going on the website for the full estate and the different parts to the outfit (campsite, holiday park, hotel, offices, hydro power generation etc etc). After draining ALL the drone batteries,. headed to the hotel where there was a cold pint of shandy awaiting - that, was lovely. Sadly, I hand sanitised the glass before drinking from it - but don’t tell anyone.
Got home late afternoon-early evening and managed to get a couple fo edits together and sent off and also came home to an amazon delivery - my amazon purchases have gone a bit crazy recently.
Kirsty and I are keeping on top of the housework, but sometimes something slips though the net. In this case, bedding. And it was NOT possibly dry, so, we slept in the spare room…that’s not lazy is it?