#36 Lockdown Day 26 / by John-James Greig

Saturday 18th April 

This morning started with a quick tidy up - and unbelievably, no arguments. Zero. Zilch, Nada. None. Howwwwww I will never know!

After getting the house kinda ship shape, was time to get back out with the pup, same walk as usual - doing the loop with ruby every day is becoming somewhat of a routine - also starting to get Kirsty to notice wildlife which is quite nice - Its mainly mallard ducks, but hey, take every win.

In laws decided to visit, I still don’t totally agree with it, as they sometimes forget about the 2m rule, so I just build blockades with mountain bikes etc and this helps justify it somewhat in my head. During conversation we realise that the power washer hasn’t been working for sometime, so using my neighbours and its parts and accessories, I break it down to problem solve why - basically the handle is coming apart and it is loosing all pressure. Easy fix, dismantle it, order a new Gun (as Karcher call it) an pray all will be sweet, as its Kirsty’s Dad’s. He offered to pay, so I told him it was £80. He didn’t buy it - literally and metaphorically.

Decided to crack on with a Jo Wickes effort for dinner, Burritos this time. Man, they were pretty good, and the way kitty has done this, when you double up the recipe, it ALOT of food.

After dinner, we binged on some friends, again until the inevitableKirsty Couch snooze, allowing me to continue being sh!t at gta. Tonight, it has nothing to do with necking a beer at the same time, honest.