Sat 11th April
Absolutely nothing completed in the morning and I don’t care who m owe it. Nice and lazy - nothing to do with the beer and wine consumed during the three or four part zoom call with the guys.
Kirsty went to Tesco in the morning and when she came back we went for a sanity drive and ended up popping to Comrie. I decided it was only fair to get some good food for ruby so stopped in at the butchers and got some plain pork sausages, HUGE chicken fillets and a few burgers for ourselves (pork and apple). This followed our Burgers and Cornettos for lunch. I also finished off the last of the dauphinois from the other night - just as good cold!
Smashed through a good bit of GTA - love the story mode of this game, but I know online is lurking and I need to get better at it as I am absolutely terrible at console gaming. Gaming in general in fact.
Had a good Play in garden with ruby - mainly just to tire her out - seems to be one of my main occupations these days.
toom the iPad outside to get on a zoom call with Martin and Kate…again, good to see some friendly faces! After a couple of beers, we called it a night and I went inside to, well, let’s be honest play some more GTA before a request came in from the client. They are looking for a design, almost like a certificate of ownership, as a couple of customers have invested into the cask scheme for their kids to receive when they grow old enough. The guys want to issue a document and after chatting it over with Roddy, it seems easy enough and all we need is the guys to scribble their signatures on a bit of paper and send a picture of that through.
easy we thought.