#26 Lockdown Day 16 / by John-James Greig

Wed 8th April

Lazy morning - 

Walk down lady Mary’s, whilst on the walk I realised that I had forgotten a scheduled forgot conference call, fortunately we agreed to reschedule, as on the way back from the walk where I was starting to run late for the reschedule, we bumped into a walker by the name of Christine, who was so polite she just wanted to talk. Unfortunately, I had my 70-200 lens (which, in addition to being expensive, it looks expensive - so she proceeded t ask a thousand questions about it - which, being a nice guy, I chatted about. Kirsty, became more impatient than me at this stage.

on the call we just discussed some upcoming Social media posts and also that these fancy Email sigs still need to get finished. I took on the design of these, but the coding and testing is just too much for a noob like me - so I had to reinforce that I can try, but I’m really just the “graphics” guy - as I don’t want to set any expectations and then fall short.

Whilst working on this I heard some slapshong in the bathroom and went to investigate - only to find Ruby’s bed slotted right next to the bath and Kirsty shaving her legs…

So I went downstairs and made a Dark and stormy. Happy days.