Sunday 5th April
started today off with a road bike ride - out to Kirsty’s school (Hit 36 mph on the way down the wee hill - beast), via the backroad then returning via the main road. Felt really good getting out on the toad bike, but I like my road cycling to be a bit of a social outing too, unless commuting. So it was strange - also, with no Bluetooth earphones, and no headphone jack, it was just me and the wind. And the gorgeous birds of prey which are ALWAYS out when I don’t have my camera on me. Buzzards I think.
Once back and showered, with a quick snack it was back into the garden - this time weeding. I have managed to convince Kirsty that it only needs 30/45 mins a day to batter through it. I also had more work to complete as the cut video from yesterday now needs to be resized for Instagram stories - pain in the aaaarse.
after this, Kirsty and I sat down and bossed our way through about 6 episodes of Friends - that show is simply timeless…