#19 Lockdown Day 9 / by John-James Greig

1st April 2020

Could I sleep? Nope.

Woke around 4:30 / 5:00am and decided for finish writing the questions for the quiz I was going to hold tonight over a zoom conference call, in a bid to get the family together in some way, particularly for my gran.

come 7am and the alarms sounding, I’d managed to doze off again, so basically woke up grumpy af.

Got a request from a project client to resize a portrait image to more of a landscape resolution - serious use of the content aware full tool and the clone stamp - even working quickly this still can take a couple of hours to get a usable product…finished with a product I think looked good - so happy with that. After this, Kirsty and I hit the garden again, this time with a bit more anger - I was tackling the log store (CHAINSAW and log splitting action!) and Kirsty was on lawnmower duties and also power washing the fencing etc.

a bit of a frustration as it seemed to be every two minutes I was being asked to plug this in, or help unravel that, or lift this out, or set that up…what’s the analogy; give the man a fish and he will feed for a day, teach him how to fish and he will feed for life? Same with getting the lawnmower going - learn how to do it so you don’t need me to help you…grrrrr.

that being said, noticeable improvement and a good impetus to get back into it…

also a good days hard work - now a chance for a quick beer before setting up the conference call quiz.

It actually went well.

mum (the worlds biggest technophobe) managed to dial in first, and slowly everyone joined, including Kirsty from downstairs in the living room which was pretty cool for her to want to be involved…

great to see everyone, I do miss the family - however with Lesley being at work all day, she decided to give it a miss - quite right as it wasn’t not-stressful if that makes sense.

good laugh, the london lot took the win so I will be sending them their prize shortly…a potato.
