29 March 2020
following a wicked evening of board games an wine with the missus, we awoke feeling pretty fresh. Only a few things on the agenda today, Conf call with Roddy about a design project, daily exercise and capture some footage for the projects website.
But first breakfast. For some reason I woke up and all I could think about was eggs benedict. So, a quick google for a recipe and (YouTube actually) off we go. They turned out, well, perfect. I grilled some peppered mackerel for mine, and as Kirsty was unsure, she even got her hollandaise sauce in a shot glass. After this, a nespresso coffee and a cheeky chunk of chocolate, was time to get the tyres pumped up and head out for a ride. But I also had camera work to do.
im ashamed to say this meant leaving the house twice today as Kirsty wanted to (finally) go for road bike ride as part of our #oneaday exercise and I wasn’t going to let this slip. This was also handy as Kirsty needed to pick up a couple of things from the school she teaches in and also give the place a wee once over, just to make sure nothing sinister has gone down in the time it’s doors have been closed.
Lovely pedal - at a very relaxed pace, although Kirsty can run around a netball pitch like a boss, biking fitness is different…
once we get back, quick shower and then I take the opportunity to do the best thing in the world every - putting comfy trainers and fresh socks on, after wearing road cycling clip less shoes.
then, off to an undisclosed location, knowing it would be quiet, to get a few shots in. Decided on this occasion to take the gimbal, and I’m glad I did, it is a bit of faffing about, but it’s worth it for the steadier shots, leaving for less work in post processing.
grabbed the shots I wanted, and then headed back to the house, via the shop to pick up essentials. And by essentials, I mean it; eggs, flour and milk.
Once home, shots edited and video dropped into the shared drive, time for dinner; calzones - from scratch.
homemade pizza dough -turns out in retrospect, the yeast was out of date - another thing for the shopping list.
however, all in very happy and only managed half the pizza so: calzones for lunch tomorrow I guess.
after all this productivity, just before bed, we realise the bedsheets had just come out the laundry, so spare bed for us tonight…