#4 Etiquette / by John-James Greig


“Good backgammon etiquette leads to good backgammon and much fun. Bad backgammon etiquette leads to bad backgammon and no fun at all...” 


So - etiquette. Whether Driving, Queuing up for a coffee, waiting in a barbers etc, there are always moments where you can exercise the opportunity to be polite and, in some cases, helpful.


but, are there some times where being polite can actually be an impolite thing to do? 


Is it rude to move seat allowing a gap between you and another gent in the barbers when a seat becomes free - or is not moving the impolite thing to do?


is it rude to not hold the door open for someone who is at the other end of the foyer - you know they are heading the same way but they are miles away?  


Is it rude to keep driving as opposed to letting someone out at a junction - there’s no cars behind you so you know they will get out...?


i think the worry is that these questions in today’s world are actually quite feasible - which is terrifying. People worry so much, I think it actually can prevent folks from getting along...  


just make sure if I let you slot in infront of me, I do expect either a hit on the hazard lights or at least a thank you wave.