#2 Perfection? / by John-James Greig

Catching up on GOT. 

(this is photography related, I promise)

Game of Thrones, I mean, it’s just unbelievable. I’ve seen the whole thing, start to finish, but recently decided to re-watch from the start - at the time of writing Ned Stark finds himself in a pretty tricky situation which I unfortunately know is not going to get any better for him. 


watching this program, is not a “Box set”  or a “marathon”, it’s a journey. When I started I was one of the 95% that initially said “I don’t like dragons”. 


Anyway. Whislt watching the whole thing, I can’t help but constantly look at the direction, production and cinematography throughout. It’s literally unreal. I’ve spent a good four hours waiting for sun to hit the peak of a hill before, the amount of time these guys must have spent scouting, researching, travelling, filming on set, no doubt plenty of trial and error etc.


makes me realise, it’s worth spending time to get something done.  

Done is better then perfect, but aiming for perfect ain’t a bad aspiration either... 


keep fighting the good fight folks...