watersports on the loch
Loch Earn, Scotland. Took the drone to to capture some footage of the loch and its surroundings, but when. saw this going on, I couldn’t resist!
This video confirms the common rule which no one can disagree with;
EVERYTHING looks. better in slow motion.
Glencoe 1
Roddy and I took the Drone to Glencoe - possibly the best place in the world to take some shots and see what the deal is with these wee cameras. Aside from the phone in my old iPhone being TERRIBLE and neither of use really knowing what we were doing, this urned out to be a bit of a blast.
The long walk to freedom
Wee ladybird making a break for freedom. This was actually for a customer - the brief was, I need a short film on something no one would ever film. Obviously this would and itself to a Ladybird walking away from camera filters.